Diving into Data Engineering: Docker and Docker Compose

Yash Chauhan
4 min readJan 17, 2024


Welcome to the exciting world of data engineering! As you embark on this journey, understanding the tools and technologies that streamline your workflow is crucial. Today, we’ll delve into two essential tools: Docker and Docker Compose. Buckle up, data enthusiasts, and prepare to gain valuable insights!

What is Docker?

Imagine a self-contained environment where your code, libraries, and dependencies live in perfect harmony, independent of your operating system. That’s the magic of Docker! Docker is a containerization platform that packages your application into standardized units called containers. Think of these containers as portable shipping boxes for your code, ensuring it runs consistently across different environments.

Why Use Docker?

  • Reproducibility: No more “it works on my machine” woes! Docker guarantees consistent environments, ensuring your code behaves the same everywhere.
  • Isolation: Each container operates in its own sandbox, preventing conflicts and ensuring your applications don’t interfere with each other.
  • Portability: Move your containers seamlessly between different machines, cloud platforms, or even on-premises infrastructure.
  • Efficiency: Share and reuse container images, saving development time and resources.

Getting Started with Docker:

  1. Install Docker Desktop: Download and install Docker Desktop for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  2. Create a Dockerfile: This text file defines the instructions for building your container image. Specify the base image, install dependencies, copy your code, and set environment variables.
  3. Build the Image: Use the docker build command to create your image based on the Dockerfile instructions.
  4. Run the Container: Use the docker run command to start a container from your image. You can interact with the container as you would with any other application.

Docker Compose: Orchestrating Multiple Containers

While Docker excels at managing individual containers, sometimes you need to run multiple containers together as a single service. This is where Docker Compose comes in. Docker Compose is a tool that defines and manages multi-container applications in a YAML file called docker-compose.yml.

Benefits of Docker Compose:

  • Simplified Deployment: Define your entire application stack in a single file, making deployment a breeze.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your application up or down by adding or removing containers.
  • Consistency: Ensure all containers in your application are always running the correct versions and configurations.

Using Docker Compose:

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml file: Define your services, their corresponding Docker images, environment variables, volumes, and ports.
  2. Start your application: Use the docker-compose up command to bring up all the services defined in your docker-compose.yml file.

Networks in Docker: Connecting the Dots

Just as roads and bridges connect different towns and cities, Docker networks facilitate communication between containers. Understanding how to create and manage networks is crucial for building robust data pipelines.

Containers on the Same Network:

  • When containers need to communicate and exchange data seamlessly, placing them on the same network is essential.
  • Example: A web application container might need to connect to a database container to retrieve and store information. By placing them on the same network, they can establish direct connections using their container names or IP addresses.

Containers on Different Networks:

  • In some cases, isolating containers on separate networks is desired for security or resource management purposes.
  • Example: You might have a container running sensitive data processing tasks that should not be accessible from the public internet. Isolating it on a private network enhances security.

Docker Example: Building a Python Application Image


This Dockerfile demonstrates how to create a Docker image for a Python application. It outlines the steps involved in:

  • Selecting a base image (Python 3.9 in this case).
  • Setting the working directory.
  • Copying a requirements file for dependencies.
  • Installing dependencies using pip.
  • Copying application code into the image.
  • Defining the entry point for the application.
FROM python:3.9  # Base image

WORKDIR /app # Set working directory

COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt # Copy requirements file
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt # Install dependencies

COPY . . # Copy application code

ENTRYPOINT ["python", "app.py"] # Define entry pointdocker-compose.yaml


This docker-compose.yml file illustrates how to orchestrate multiple containers using Docker Compose. It defines two services:

Web Service:

  • Builds an image from a Dockerfile in the current directory.
  • Maps port 5000 of the container to port 5000 of the host machine.
  • Depends on the database service.

Database Service:

  • Uses a pre-built PostgreSQL image.
  • Sets environment variables for database credentials.
  • Mounts a volume to persist data.
version: "3"
build: . # Build the image from the Dockerfile in the current directory
- "5000:5000" # Map port 5000 of the container to port 5000 of the host
- db # Dependency on the database service
image: postgres:13 # Use a pre-built PostgreSQL image
- ./data:/var/lib/postgresql/data # Mount a volume to persist data

Remember, this is just the beginning of your Docker and Docker Compose journey! As you progress in data engineering, you’ll discover more advanced use cases and configurations. Keep exploring, experiment, and leverage these powerful tools to build robust and scalable data pipelines.



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