Playing Game with EMG signals

Yash Chauhan
2 min readOct 6, 2020


Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a non-invasive procedure that involves detection, recording and interpretation of the electric activity of groups of muscles at rest (i.e., static) and during activity (i.e., dynamic). They are currently the most affordable and portable way to access brainwave data. For this project, I have recreated classic snake game to be controlled by EMG signals. The game uses EMG muscle sensor v3 to measure EMG data.


Unlike original snake game that takes 4 inputs i.e. 4 arrow keys, this version will take 2 inputs i.e. tapping index and middle finger.


EMG Data Input

The first step is to retrieve EMG data from player. The data is retrieved by placing electrodes on hand, which is connected to EMG sensor. Arduino reads analog EMG signals from sensor and sends to computer via serial port.

Data Analysis

The received data is processed to extract the characteristics of signals, finally groups and saves it. The saved data is then used to train the model for classification.

The trained model is then provided with a real-time data to classify when the player is playing the game. The model then determines about which finger is tapped by player. If player taps index finger then snake will turn left and if player taps middle finger then snake will turn right, for all other finger there will be no change in movement.

Game Movement

The game turns the snake based on the EMG signals and the user can now play the game without using keyboard!



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